Particles in Canvas Using JavaScript to generate particle effects using HTML5 Canvas. HTML Javascript
Google Web Starter Kit Ensure you're following the Web Fundamentals guidelines out of the box. CSS HTML Javascript SASS Tools
Opal A Ruby to Javascript Compiler. It is source-to-source, making it fast as a runtime. Javascript Ruby
Quintus An easy-to-learn, fun-to-use JavaScript HTML5 game engine for mobile, desktop and beyond. HTML Javascript
JayData A unified data access library for JS to work with online and offline data APIs like WebSQL, Facebook... Javascript
Haxe An open source programming language. It can be compiled to all popular programming platforms. C++ CSS Flash HTML iOS Java Javascript
doormat Provides an alternative way to navigating through your site content. Similar to curtains.js. Javascript
L20n Localization framework to put bits of logic into localization resources to codify the grammar of the language. Javascript
hyperProxy A node.js local proxy to help developers use local files for testing and fixing production sites. Javascript Testing
ScrollMagic The jQuery plugin for magical scroll interactions. Use the scrollbar like a progress bar. Javascript jQuery