Particles in Canvas Using JavaScript to generate particle effects using HTML5 Canvas. HTML Javascript
Google Web Starter Kit Ensure you're following the Web Fundamentals guidelines out of the box. CSS HTML Javascript SASS Tools
Crosswalk A web runtime for ambitious HTML5 applications. Deep device integration and an API for adding extensions… HTML
Quintus An easy-to-learn, fun-to-use JavaScript HTML5 game engine for mobile, desktop and beyond. HTML Javascript
Haxe An open source programming language. It can be compiled to all popular programming platforms. C++ CSS Flash HTML iOS Java Javascript
AngularGap A library of mobile-optimized HTML, CSS for building highly interactive apps. Built with Sass. CSS HTML SASS
localForage A handy library that improves the offline experience of your web app by using asynchronous storage. HTML
Toolkit by Project Titon Extensible front-end HTML, CSS, and JavaScript user interface components for modern web. CSS HTML Javascript
Easystar.js An asynchronous A* pathfinding API written in Javascript for use in HTML5 games and projects. HTML Javascript
Ionic Advanced HTML5 Hybrid Mobile App Framework. HTML5, Javascript, CSS, and AngularJS. HTML Javascript
Brunch A lightweight approach to building HTML5 applications with an emphasis on elegance and simplicity. HTML