GRID: Augmented Reality Gaming

Grid is an Augmented Reality environment created by Sahar Fikouhi which provides a spatial configuration for real-time gaming at an architectural scale. This project showcases a prototype of the AR environment devised at one to one scale to test the possibilities of augmented reality in the built environment. The project uses a simple architectural maze which people can navigate through in real-time.  The prototype was developed for the iphone using Qualcomm Augmented Reality SDK and Xcode.

This project aims to explore new ways of inhabiting and interacting in social spaces. To enhance social activities in architectural spaces we can augment the space with interactions which merge reality with digital practices which occur on social networking platforms. More people partaking in the augmented space results in a much more dynamic environment and heightened social engagement. To propose a new way of experiencing and circulating through the city, an architectural playground that allows for increased social engagement with the building and the objects within.  These include gaming hot spots which utilize mixed reality to transform the city with interactive playgrounds.